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 Business continuity plan covid-19

With our HQ based in Edmonton we cover all Alberta 

With our HQ based in Edmonton we cover all Alberta 

With our HQ based in Edmonton we cover all Alberta 

Cdn Privateer Services/BL Transport continuously reviews public health guidelines to ensure we implement best practices in our workplace against COVID -19 infection. 

Our company follows the isolation and quarantine requirements as set by Alberta Health Services and we have procedures in place to minimize the exposure of COVID-19 to our employees and customers.


Disinfecting: High traffic areas, high contact areas, and office surfaces are being disinfected continuously throughout the work day. Company vehicles are cleaned and disinfected during pre trip and post trip inspections and also throughout the day. 


Social Distancing:  Keep a minimum distance of 6 feet from others. 


Hygiene: Wash hands frequently and use hand sanitizer after every encounter with people or material and to not share pens and other work related items with others. Nitrile gloves are provided to our employees to wear during work hours to minimize contact with any surface that may have germs and other contaminates that could contribute to COVID -19. 


Vaccination: Recommend getting vaccinated to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.












With our HQ based in Edmonton we cover all Alberta 

With our HQ based in Edmonton we cover all Alberta 

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